Brad Pitt vs. Mrs Buckley

NOTIZIA di La Redazione   —   18/12/2001

Brad Pitt vs. Mrs Buckley

Il bel biondino non ha mai nascosto d'amare molto Jeff Buckley e la sua musica. Tale l'amore di fan che Pitt è arrivato a desiderare una tasposizione cinematografica della sua storia, peccato però che quest'idea si scontri contro l'assoluta volontà contraria della madre del musicista. A leggere le sue parole la donna sembra ferreamente decisa a negare alcuna possibilità di un film prima della propria scomparsa, sfottendo non poco il povero Brad..

"In the first hour of my meeting with Brad he pulled out the folders. I said, 'If you're going to ask me if you can make a Jeff Buckley film, the answer is no.' I told Brad that if he had a close-up of his face on the screen with Jeff's music coming out of his mouth, then he would be a laughing stock. Everyone who loves Jeff cringes at the idea of Brad putting brown contact lenses over his baby blues and letting his hair grow. I do not want to see myself portrayed, I do not want to see Jeff portrayed, no actor can do it. His death still hurts. If anyone wants to make this film, it will be after I'm gone."

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