Titanfall - Una patch aggiusta il bilanciamento e vari bug

Le evoluzioni dei Titani

NOTIZIA di Giorgio Melani   —   23/03/2014
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EA e Respawn hanno pubblicato una nuova patch per Titanfall, che corregge diversi problemi ed effettua un ri-bilanciamento generale a varie caratteristiche del gioco.

Per quanto riguarda il bilanciamento, l'aggiornamento modifica l'indicatore danni dell'Electric Smoke, aggiusta i danni di mine e granate su piloti e Titan amici, modifica l'assegnazione di punti per le azioni difensive in Hardpoint e CTF e per diverse altre azioni in ulteriori modalità e in generale modifica la quantità di danni inferta da diverse armi, oltre a modificare il comportamento delle Evac Dropship. Parecchi sono inoltre i bug sistemati, come riportato nell'elenco completo delle note della patch, riportato qua sotto.

Balancing adjustments and general changes

  • The damage indicator from Electric Smoke is now much more noticeable
  • Search Drones will now show up in Classic Modes of Angel City
  • Arc grenade/mine effects no longer draw on friendly Pilots and Titans
  • Lowered the point value of defensive actions in Hardpoint mode and CTF.
  • Increased the score limit in Attrition
  • Flag Return points reduced
  • Flag Carrier killed points reduced
  • Explosives detonated by Dead Man's Trigger are now slightly delayed
  • Explosives detonated by Dead Man's Trigger now play a warning sound before exploding
  • Slightly decreased the damage of the Smart Pistol when not locked onto a Pilot
  • Slightly decreased the hip-fire accuracy of the Smart Pistol
  • Certain Burn Cards could be exploited to give multiple uses
  • Evac Dropships are now more responsive to Pilots entering them
  • Hacking a Mega Turret will now restore it's health to full
  • Cluster Missiles damage reduced against Evac Dropships

Bug Fixes
  • Titan could become stuck in the position he lands in
  • Auto-Titan wouldn't stand up until you embarked into it
  • Several rare server issues restarting the game in to the lobby
  • Pilot could end up out of bounds while rodeoing a Titan as it is destroyed
  • Pilot could warp through certain locations when jumping off a Titan
  • Rodeoing a Titan that has been doomed by your SMR could kill you
  • Players being able to enter some geometry in Smuggler's Cove
  • Titanfall will now give proper kill credit when it kills a Pilot embarking into their Titan
  • Minions in Attrition now continue to spawn until the Epilogue begins
  • Player couldn't hack a Mega Turret console
  • Server would sometimes error when leeching a Spectre
  • Hardpoints sometimes awarded defense score to players not near the hardpoint
  • Rare issue when ejecting from a Titan
  • Server would sometimes error after a match while returning to the lobby
  • Double XP burn card sometimes not being applied properly

Fonte: Joystiq