Gli Interactive Achievements Awards del 2011

Mass Effect 2 mattatore

NOTIZIA di Giorgio Melani   —   11/02/2011
Red Dead Redemption
Red Dead Redemption
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Si è concluso solo poche ore fa l'evento di premiazione sugli Interactive Achievements Awards, importanti riconoscimenti in ambito videoludico.

A spadroneggiare nelle varie categorie in concorso sono stati soprattutto Mass Effect 2, Red Dead Redemption e Heavy Rain. Ecco qua l'elenco dei vincitori:

  • Outstanding Achievement in Animation: God of War III
  • Outstanding Achievement in Art Direction: Red Dead Redemption
  • Outstanding Achievement in Visual Engineering: Heavy Rain
  • Outstanding Achievement in Gameplay Engineering: Red Dead Redemption
  • Outstanding Character Performance: Red Dead Redemption
  • Family Game of the Year: Dance Central
  • Racing Game of the Year: Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
  • Outstanding Achievement in Story: Mass Effect 2
  • Role Playing / MMO Game of the Year: Mass Effect 2
  • Outstanding Innovation in Gaming: Heavy Rain
  • Outstanding Achievement in Original Music: Heavy Rain
  • Outstanding Achievement in Soundtrack: Rock Band 3
  • Outstanding Achievement in Sound Design: Limbo
  • Adventure Game of the Year: Limbo
  • Outstanding Achievement in Online Gameplay: Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty
  • Action Game of the Year: Red Dead Redemption
  • Sports Game of the Year: FIFA 2011
  • Fighting Game of the Year: Super Street Fighter IV
  • Strategy/Simulation Game of the Year: Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty
  • Portable Game of the Year: God of War: Ghost of Sparta
  • Casual Game of the Year: Angry Birds HD
  • Social Game of the Year: CityVille
  • Lifetime Achievement Award: Bing Gordon
  • Outstanding Achievement in Game Direction: Red Dead Redemption
  • Game of the Year: Mass Effect 2
  • Pioneer Award: Bill Budge