Horizon Zero Dawn per PC: la patch 1.05 sistema i capelli di Aloy e molti altri bug

La patch 1.05 di Horizon Zero Dawn per PC sistema i capelli di Aloy quando si gioca a più di 30fps, sblocca il framerate delle animazioni degli shader e molti altri bug.

NOTIZIA di Luca Forte   —   16/09/2020

Guerrilla Games ha pubblicato la patch 1.05 di Horizon Zero Dawn per PC. Un aggiornamento che va ad aggredire diversi problemi noti come i capelli di Aloy che agiscono i maniera strana quando si gioca a più di 30fps e che va a sbloccare il framerate delle animazioni degli shader. Ma non solo. La lista dei bug sistemati è molto lunga.

Siamo già al quinto aggiornamento di Horizon Zero Dawn e lentamente lo sviluppatore olandese sta riuscendo a sistemare i problemi che affliggono il gioco. La lista di cambiamenti che accompagna la patch 1.05 di Horizon Zero Dawn è lunga e sistema diverse problematiche che sono emerse in questi mesi. Consentendo al gioco di mostrare tutte le sue qualità, esattamente come detto nella nostra recensione di Horizon Zero Dawn per PC.

Oltre ai problemi descritti sopra, la patch impedisce il gioco di andare in crash utilizzando l'antivirus Avast o quando c'è attivo NetPresenceManager. Come da tradizione basterà avviare Steam per vedere il gioco scaricare automaticamente l'aggiornamento. Tutte le novità possono essere trovate a questo indirizzo, ma ve le riportiamo comunque, anche se in lingua inglese.

Known Issues

  • Some players are experiencing an out of memory error during the game optimization process.
  • Some players are experiencing graphical settings issues, such as Anisotropic Filtering or HDR not working correctly.
  • Some players are experiencing performance issues on specific GPUs or hardware combinations.
  • We're aware of and continue to investigate issues that are not yet solved on both the player-compiled lists by u/EvilMonkeySlayer and u/Rampage572 - thank you!

Patch Notes

Crash Fixes

  • Fixed a crash in NetPresenceManager that some players experienced when entering the game or the benchmark from the main menu
  • Fixed a crash where the Steam SDK could crash on initialization when the game executable was started directly from installation folder rather than through Steam
  • Fixed a crash which would occur if the player pressed 'Stop' in Steam immediately after pressing 'Play'
  • Fixed a startup crash when using Avast antivirus
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when VRAM was about to be oversubscribed

Graphical Improvements

  • Fixed an issue with Aloy's hair not displaying correctly when the game is running above 30 FPS
  • Shader animations (e.g. hologram locks on doors, GAIA in cinematics, etc.) are no longer locked to 30 FPS, but running at unlocked framerate
  • Fixed an issue with flickering textures in main quest "A Gift from the Past"
  • Fixed an issue with flickering snow assets
  • Fixed an issue with flickering paintings in Song's Edge
  • Fixed graphical corruption issues that only occurred on specific GPUs
  • Fixed an issue where the game would open in windowed mode instead of fullscreen when the player is using another window when booting the game
  • Fixed an issue where the game would not run in the correct resolution when switching from windowed to fullscreen
  • Added an option to turn off "blurry sidebars" in ultrawide resolutions and display black sidebars instead

Other Improvements

  • Allow players to still boot the game even if the version of windows used is detected to be too low to run the game at a stable condition
  • Added an option to turn off controller vibration/rumble
  • Fixed an issue in the storing of the 'permission to track data' attribute of the player profile (subsequently re-asking for said permission)
  • Fixed an issue where the opening cutscene music would not play if the player quits out and immediately begins a new game
  • Fixed an issue where inverting mouse controls also affected dialog tree choice input