God of War vince ben nove premi ai DICE Awards 2019

God of War stravince ai DICE Awards 2019, conquistando nove riconoscimenti su un totale di ventitré categorie.

NOTIZIA di Giorgio Melani   —   14/02/2019
God of War
God of War
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God of War è il mattatore dell'evento DICE Awards 2019, conquistando ben nove premi dei 23 previsti in altrettante categorie della manifestazione.

God of War risulta dunque essere il maggiore vincitore in questa ventiduesima edizione dei DICE Awards, conquistando peraltro anche l'ambito premio di Game of the Year, ovvero gioco dell'anno, considerato sostanzialmente il riconoscimento principale. Oltre a questo, ha vinto anche come Game Direction, Game Design, Storia, Sound Design, personaggi, Art Direction e anche come "Adventure game dell'anno", categoria che sembra stonare un po' con l'essenza action di God of War ma è probabilmente giustificata dalla vittoria di Celeste nella categoria "Action". Ecco dunque l'elenco dei vincitori in ogni categoria singola:

  • Game of the Year: God of War (Sony Interactive Entertainment/SIE Santa Monica Studio)
  • Outstanding Achievement in Game Direction: God of War (Sony Interactive Entertainment/SIE Santa Monica Studio)
  • Outstanding Achievement in Game Design: God of War (Sony Interactive Entertainment/SIE Santa Monica Studio)
  • Portable Game of the Year: Florence (Annapurna Interactive/Mountains)
  • Outstanding Achievement for an Independent Game: Celeste (Matt Makes Games)
  • Immersive Reality Game of the Year: Beat Saber (Beat Games)
  • Immersive Reality Technical Achievement: Tónandi (Magic Leap/Magic Leap and Sigur Rós)
  • Outstanding Achievement in Online Gameplay: Fortnite (Epic Games)
  • Strategy/Simulation Game of the Year: Into the Breach (Subset Games)
  • Sports Game of the Year: Mario Tennis Aces (Nintendo Co., Ltd./Camelot Co. Ltd.)
  • Role-Playing Game of the Year: Monster Hunter: World (Capcom)
  • Racing Game of the Year: Forza Horizon 4 (Microsoft Studios/Playground Games)
  • Fighting Game of the Year: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Nintendo/Sora Ltd./Bandai Namco Studios Inc.)
  • Family Game of the Year: Unravel Two (Electronic Arts/ColdWood Interactive)
  • Adventure Game of the Year: God of War (Sony Interactive Entertainment/SIE Santa Monica Studio)
  • Action Game of the Year: Celeste (Matt Makes Games)
  • Outstanding Technical Achievement: Red Dead Redemption 2 (Rockstar Games)
  • Outstanding Achievement in Story: God of War (Sony Interactive Entertainment/SIE Santa Monica Studio)
  • Outstanding Achievement in Sound Design: God of War (Sony Interactive Entertainment/SIE Santa Monica Studio)
  • Outstanding Achievement in Original Music Composition: God of War (Sony Interactive Entertainment/SIE Santa Monica Studio)
  • Outstanding Achievement in Character: God of War - Kratos (Sony Interactive Entertainment/SIE Santa Monica Studio)
  • Outstanding Achievement in Art Direction: God of War (Sony Interactive Entertainment/SIE Santa Monica Studio)
  • Outstanding Achievement in Animation: Marvel's Spider-Man (Sony Interactive Entertainment/Insomniac Games)